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The Need: Protective Boxes for Bagged Tea

When Hugo Tea first approached us, their tea was packaged in boxes containing plastic jugs. Utilizing bags instead of jugs would save large amounts of space and money. However this presented its own challenges in regards to the box design. We knew that the boxes would need to be perfectly sized in order to prevent the bags from bursting when dropped, so we set out to do just that.

Bag of tea

The Need: Protective Boxes for Bagged Tea

When Hugo Tea first approached us, their tea was packaged in boxes containing plastic jugs. Utilizing bags instead of jugs would save large amounts of space and money. However this presented its own challenges in regards to the box design. We knew that the boxes would need to be perfectly sized in order to prevent the bags from bursting when dropped, so we set out to do just that.

two boxes with black print on kraft and detailed line art beverage packaging

Left: Final Design | Right: Original Design

The Solution

The perfect box for Hugo Tea needed to be deep enough to hold the tea bag, but not so deep that it wasn’t properly supported when dropped. In order to find this perfect depth, we performed drop-tests, until we found a design that protected the tea from drops every time.

Hugo Tea later adjusted their bag and nozzle sizes. We knew that the box design we created would no longer provide the optimum protection. So we redesigned and retested to ensure that Hugo Tea would still have perfect-fit boxes.

The end result? A box that evolved along with the product, ensuring Hugo Tea’s box was always the perfect fit for them.

More About Hugo Tea

KC company Hugo Tea has been buying their tea leaves direct for almost a decade. They travel thousands of miles every year in the pursuit of unique, quality teas. Hugo Tea strives to share their tea in direct, informative ways, and pushes back on the flowery, superficial language that often pervades the industry. Learn more about their story, or explore their teas at hugotea.com.

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